
Piper James 1 month

When you turn 1 month on Christmas day and are spending the holidays at family's, you get your month update put on the back burner. (one week late to be exact.)

I can't believe it, you guys. One month of since this sweet girl joined our family. This month has absolutely  f l o w n  by. It could be all the traveling and holidays making it seem like it's going by too fast though. . . nah, it's her. Her smiles and snuggles make time fly.

Weighing 8.2 Lbs and measuring 20.5 inches, this girl is growing perfectly. It's hard to believe we brought her home at 7.7 Lbs.

She is so alert and spend quite a bit of her day exploring with her eyes. Piper doesn't let follow in her brother footsteps when it comes to sleep. Liam was a sleep all day, party all night kind of baby. Piper is a play all day and sleep (most of) at night kind of baby. I'm not complaining.

She loves to nurse (often) and loves to be held and loved. She gives more smiles than any one month old I've come across. She is already studying her big brother, who get most of her smiles, by the way.

Her newborn clothes are getting snug and the headbands that were once too big are starting to fit.
Kristofer and I can't take turns passing her back and forth just to stare at her. We are absolutely smitten with this baby girl.