

Thanksgiving-Christmas is an insanely busy time but duhhh,  I don't need to tell you that. I will say 2016 took the cake. I swear between having a baby and all the holiday chaos these last 2 1/2 months, I'm surprised I didn't lose my mind. (Or maybe I did, who knows anymore.)

November 25 our Piper James was born and 1 1/2 weeks later we were on a plane to Utah. Yes, I see now. I DID LOSE MY MIND. but boy was it worth it. All I wanted was my family to meet our newest addition and their first grand-daughter. It was a blessing for her feel their love and them to share my joy.

It was a week of constant going and exploring the place I called home just a year ago. I took my fancy new lens and planned on getting photos of our trip but like I said, it was a crazy week and my cell phone was my camera. I didn't get nearly enough and most are not the best quality but the memories in these photos make me smile. We were reminded how much we love Utah and how much we miss everyone in it. We got to enjoy Temple Square, spend way too much money shopping, and best of all, spend time with my brother after 2 years of missing him while he served his LDS mission.

I'm counting down the days until I see them again and we all know Liam is also. I don't think he hasn't brought of the topic of Utah since the day we moved though. So, no change there, really.

We love you Utah.