

Thanksgiving-Christmas is an insanely busy time but duhhh,  I don't need to tell you that. I will say 2016 took the cake. I swear between having a baby and all the holiday chaos these last 2 1/2 months, I'm surprised I didn't lose my mind. (Or maybe I did, who knows anymore.)

November 25 our Piper James was born and 1 1/2 weeks later we were on a plane to Utah. Yes, I see now. I DID LOSE MY MIND. but boy was it worth it. All I wanted was my family to meet our newest addition and their first grand-daughter. It was a blessing for her feel their love and them to share my joy.

It was a week of constant going and exploring the place I called home just a year ago. I took my fancy new lens and planned on getting photos of our trip but like I said, it was a crazy week and my cell phone was my camera. I didn't get nearly enough and most are not the best quality but the memories in these photos make me smile. We were reminded how much we love Utah and how much we miss everyone in it. We got to enjoy Temple Square, spend way too much money shopping, and best of all, spend time with my brother after 2 years of missing him while he served his LDS mission.

I'm counting down the days until I see them again and we all know Liam is also. I don't think he hasn't brought of the topic of Utah since the day we moved though. So, no change there, really.

We love you Utah.


Piper James 1 month

When you turn 1 month on Christmas day and are spending the holidays at family's, you get your month update put on the back burner. (one week late to be exact.)

I can't believe it, you guys. One month of since this sweet girl joined our family. This month has absolutely  f l o w n  by. It could be all the traveling and holidays making it seem like it's going by too fast though. . . nah, it's her. Her smiles and snuggles make time fly.

Weighing 8.2 Lbs and measuring 20.5 inches, this girl is growing perfectly. It's hard to believe we brought her home at 7.7 Lbs.

She is so alert and spend quite a bit of her day exploring with her eyes. Piper doesn't let follow in her brother footsteps when it comes to sleep. Liam was a sleep all day, party all night kind of baby. Piper is a play all day and sleep (most of) at night kind of baby. I'm not complaining.

She loves to nurse (often) and loves to be held and loved. She gives more smiles than any one month old I've come across. She is already studying her big brother, who get most of her smiles, by the way.

Her newborn clothes are getting snug and the headbands that were once too big are starting to fit.
Kristofer and I can't take turns passing her back and forth just to stare at her. We are absolutely smitten with this baby girl. 


Fleeting moments

A few weeks ago my husband asked me if I was taking pictures to document this pregnancy. When I thought about it, the answer was no. He reminded me that I would regret it if I didn't start. I admit that I'm tired from chasing Liam around and doing so carrying a belly double it's size, and taking photos seems like extra effort these days but I know even a year from now, I'll be sad I missed so many moments I wish I would have documented.
 So, I pulled out my camera that hasn't been used since Christmas(!!) and made a goal to keep it out and within arms reach for the next month and see what happens when it's easily accessible.
So far I've noticed I capture moments I wouldn't have even noticed before. I don't miss moments I wish I could have gotten. I can leave my phone in another room and spend time with Liam, my undivided attention, without feeling like need my phone in case I want to take a photo.

This moment for example. My 3 year old will soon be too big to sit in my lap like this. He won't want to sit on this chair and tell me about his favorite things, what he did that day, or asked to be rocked. Are these perfect "Instagram" photos? No. My livingroom isn't staged, there are no coordinating colors, these aren't photos you'd find in a magazine. But it's real and definitely a perfect moment.

I think this goal may be a permanent thing.


26 weeks and stuck on my back

 26 weeks! My constant craving for sweets   all the time   are starting to turn into wanting fruit and ice cold drinks. My thighs and butt are grateful for this change #ladylumps I have invested in some maternity leggings so, I think I'll live.

I was excited to have my energy back these last few weeks but nothing lasts forever and the fatigue has returned. Boo. The fatigue has returned but naps aren't happening around here. This wonderful fatigue has been joined by insomnia. Not the best combo for a grouchy, overly tired mama of a 3 year old but once again, I think (hope) I'll live.

On the humorous side of pregnancy, I literally got stuck on my back while laying down on the couch last night. I had to do a combo of rolling and attempting to sit up to get my feet on the floor. I'll tell you this, having Kristofer out town is rough when you're stuck horizontal with all your limbs flailing. What I would have given to have a helping hand. . . even though I'm glad to have avoided to mocking I'm sure I would be enduring. You're welcome for this visual.

 Liam has been telling me all the things he's going to teach little sister, including how to eat chocolate. He's already such a good big brother and his priorities are in perfect order, obviously.


93 degrees on a monday.

HOLY CRAP. Because how else would you start a blog post about how you're feeling about this heat. South Carolina heat is no joke, you guys!
Sometimes I'm feeling brave and instead of having park dates before 10 AM or after 7 PM, I put on my big girl pants and surprise Liam with a middle of the day trip. Then we spend about 10 minutes there and look at each other with our sweaty foreheads thinking, why do we do this to ourselves?
I feel a little lucky though. The last couple months I was thinking it was supposed to get even hotter and these 90+ days weren't seeming so bad. I was then told that things might start cooling down a bit, and we had a couple weeks of 80 degree weather. Cruel, cruel mother nature. How could you trick me like that? Ignorance is bliss, my friends!
Though we don't have a beloved Utah fall heading our way, I'm still counting down the days until I can break out my flannel and break out my pumpkin flavored, well, everything.
Come soon, Autumn! We're aching for you!