
17 weeks!

  baby is the size of an onion!
How far along: 17 weeks and 5 days
Total weight gain: still a little under weight but hopefully by my next appointment I'll be caught up.
Maternity clothes: still going strong. pants still fit pretty well. I did get a belly band for support though.
Stretch marks: nope, and it better stay that way for a long time!
Sleep: I have to sleep with an extra pillow under my leg while I lay on my side. It's hard when you're a belly sleeper.
Miss anything: sushi! It's hard to know I won't have any for a long time.
Movement: I think I've felt tiny flutters in the middle of the night, but nothing to get too excited about.
Food cravings: everything? haha. I'm just super hungry. but nothing in particular.
Anything making you queasy or sick: If I don't have anything to eat I get pretty nauseous. I can't skip any meals.
Gender: we find out November 12!!!
Symptoms: besides being super hungry, nothing really.
Belly button in or out? in 
Wedding ring on or off? it better fit for a long time!
Looking forward to: finding out the gender of course.
Fear: nothing so far. I'm feeling pretty good.

My belly finally popped! I feel a little more confident knowing I look a little more pregnant than chubby. Everything has been pretty easy the last couple weeks. Sometimes I forget I'm pregnant. I'm sure that's all about to change when I start feeling baby K kicking and I get much bigger. Right now I'm just enjoying being able to do things with friends and eat everything with the "I'm pregnant!" excuse ;) 


Last bit of summer

This last weekend we were able to take a much needed vacation to Lake Powell. It was nice to enjoy the last bit of warmth since we live in Logan and as you can see from today's snowy surprise, we went just in time! I was AMAZING. It was my first time in Powell and I regret not going sooner. It's beautiful!

Unfortunately, I don't have pictures of the ridiculously awesome hike we went on. It was a little too dangerous for our camera. Hopefully someone will post some that they have and I can update this a little. Fingers crossed because there are no words for it. You have to see it to understand!