
17 weeks!

  baby is the size of an onion!
How far along: 17 weeks and 5 days
Total weight gain: still a little under weight but hopefully by my next appointment I'll be caught up.
Maternity clothes: still going strong. pants still fit pretty well. I did get a belly band for support though.
Stretch marks: nope, and it better stay that way for a long time!
Sleep: I have to sleep with an extra pillow under my leg while I lay on my side. It's hard when you're a belly sleeper.
Miss anything: sushi! It's hard to know I won't have any for a long time.
Movement: I think I've felt tiny flutters in the middle of the night, but nothing to get too excited about.
Food cravings: everything? haha. I'm just super hungry. but nothing in particular.
Anything making you queasy or sick: If I don't have anything to eat I get pretty nauseous. I can't skip any meals.
Gender: we find out November 12!!!
Symptoms: besides being super hungry, nothing really.
Belly button in or out? in 
Wedding ring on or off? it better fit for a long time!
Looking forward to: finding out the gender of course.
Fear: nothing so far. I'm feeling pretty good.

My belly finally popped! I feel a little more confident knowing I look a little more pregnant than chubby. Everything has been pretty easy the last couple weeks. Sometimes I forget I'm pregnant. I'm sure that's all about to change when I start feeling baby K kicking and I get much bigger. Right now I'm just enjoying being able to do things with friends and eat everything with the "I'm pregnant!" excuse ;) 

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