
2 months.

weight: We have his 2 month check up this week, but he must be pretty darn close to 7 lbs. He's growing like a weed!
health: His reflux has been a pain for him. It's not fun watching him struggle with heart burn and stomach aches. Hopefully we can figure this thing out to make him more comfortable!
sleep: He's getting better at falling asleep in his bassinet without having to be cuddled to sleep. I'm just waiting for him to sleep for longer periods during the night!
diet: Formula/ breastmilk
crying: He gets pretty fussy when his reflux acts up, but other than that he is full of smiles.
clothes: He's finally fitting into his clothes! They are still new born size and a little baggy, but hey, I'll take it!
baby gear love: He loves his boppy. He'll swing for a bit but when he gets sick of it and gets put in his boppy, he falls asleep everytime. Not sure what it is.
social: He's been around my family often and loves to just sit and listen to everyone talk. He just takes it all in.
likes: He is such a cuddler. He love love loves to be held.
postpartum: Feeling good. I can't wait to get rid of this extra baby weight.
milestones: He loves to just sit and study your face. He has been giving us smiles on purpose. I'm pretty sure I got a giggle out of him but we might have to wait to officially say he's a giggler.

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