
7 months

 Let's be honest, I completely dropped the ball on the seven month picture. With us being in New Jersey and coming home into full fledged essay and quiz chaos, the seven month picture slipped away with the month of September. But hey, these photos definitely do the job, I'd say. Sorry they are a little blurry and for the cell phone quality!

+ weight: 19 LBS!
+ health: Healthy BIG boy!

+ sleep: Awesome sleeper. Finally! He will sleep from 9:00 until 8:30. It's amazing.
+ diet: Formula and baby food. He just started baby crackers. He loves those things.
+ crying: He's a fairly happy kid. He has his fake cry down and knows how to use it!
+ clothes: He is right between 6 and 9 months. He is such a chub. I love his little rolls.
+ baby gear love: He has a little mirror he loves to make faces in. He thinks he's pretty hilarious.
+ social: He is a flirt! He loves to smile and just watch people. He loves being in public and people watch.
+ milestones: He sits like a champ. He is getting pretty good at using his thumb and pointer finger to pick up little treats.

He is so full of personality and loves to show it! It just gets more and more fun the older he gets. Being his mom is pretty awesome, I'm pretty dang lucky.

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