

  A portrait of Liam once a week, every week in 2014 
 We're fighting off our second cold. Poor kid just can't catch a break. Snuggles and juice is our plan until we kick this sickness out of our house for good!


trip to the ice castles.

Last night we were able to get out as a family and take a trip to the Ice Castles in Midway. I think I've been talking about going non-stop for the past two weeks. With me trying to get back into the swing of balancing my school schedule with Liam's schedule and Kristofer working plenty of hours, I just entertained myself with all the Intsagram photos (naturally). So, when Kris came home and wanted to go, I immediately pushed aside my homework and basically ran for the door. Liam was such a good sport with the cold. We wrapped that kid up in so many layers I'm surprised he could put his arms down [Insert A Christmas Story joke here]. It was fun seeing Liam try to understand just where he was. He loved the tunnels and wanted to touch the glowing ice but the one time we got him to reach out and touch it, all we got was a "eww" and that was the end of it. Too funny. If you haven't been yet, I highly recommend making the drive. It has definitely made my list of family traditions.



 A portrait of Liam once a week, every week in 2014
Enjoying the sunshine we've been having these last few days.


eleven months.

 + weight: We won't be finding out exact weight until next month but my guess is 24ish pounds?

+ health: He got his first cold this month. Lets hope it was the first and last for a while!

+ sleep: He's been so much better at sleeping through the night. H decided it was time for a later bed time so he now goes to bed around 8:45 but still sleeps until 8:00. Can't complain.

+ diet: We cut back on formula and have started having him eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner with us. He loves being at the table and eating what we're eating.

+ crying: If we try to put him to bed before he's ready to go down it is THE.END.OF.THE.WORLD. but other than that, he's a happy happy baby.

+ clothes: Still wearing 12 months. Thank goodness. This kid is growing like a weed.
+ baby gear love: Anything he can get his hands on. There needs to be some major baby proofing done around here.

+ social: I don't know how he decides but he will be such a flirt with some people and others can't even get him to crack a smile. He must know something I don't.

 + milestones: Where do I start. He finally popped those teeth through! FINALLY, right? It's so funny watching him use those bottom teeth. He has also realized that he can get to places on his own. It's more of a mix of crawling, army crawling, and lately he's mixed a little crab crawling with his feet. He also has learned to "share" his food. It's a constant back and forth of him taking a bite and then holding it out for you to take a bite.
It seriously boggles my mind that Liam will be ONE next month. It's so crazy how fast time flies. The older he gets, the more fun he is. His personality becomes more and more his own. I absolutely love being his mom.



 A portrait of Liam once a week, every week in 2014 
  We have yet to figure out the trick to keeping his socks from sliding off his feet.



 A portrait of Liam once a week, every week in 2014
He loves bath time