
a whole new adventure

And off he goes to basic! The last few days flew by! I'm pretty sure I'm still in shock. I have to brag that I kept it together pretty well, at the MEPS building, where we were able to watch Kristofer swear in and say goodbye.
Being there with so many others in my same situation was somehow comforting. I saw the other families and children and felt better after telling myself "If they can do it, I can do it." I literally patted myself on the back for sparing my family from seeing me being a blubbery mess, but I can't say the lady at the little coffee shop I stopped at on my way home, was so lucky. I'm sure she was in utter shock when I just about broke down at the register. She was probably thinking to herself "I just asked if you wanted some cream in your tea, lady. Calm down." I won't be going back there for a long while! We have to pick our battles though, right?
Watching Kristofer get on that bus and drive away made me appreciate the extra time we had together these last few days. We made sure we focused on each other and enjoyed our last hours as a family under the same roof, for a long while anyway. We walked around temple square and soaked in the sunshine. Its funny how the smallest things turn into the best things when you know your time is limited. Watching Liam play with his dad and the relationship they have suddenly seems like it has become 1000x more beautiful in my eyes.
I am so incredibly proud of Kristofer. I am proud to be his #1 supporter and I am even more proud to be his wife. I can't wait to see him graduate and see him continue to succeed. And I definitely can't wait to see him two months! First day of the rest of our lives!



 A portrait of Liam once a week, every week in 2014 

He's finally understanding that it can be just as fun to look through the pages of books as it is using them as weapons or seeing how far he can throw them. Boys, I tell ya.