
when a son loves his father.

There is nothing more satisfying and heart filling than seeing how much your husband and son love each other. Having him home for two weeks during the holidays was such a blessing and the time my boys had to be together was the perfect way to end the year and begin a new one. It really showd me how fast things change and how fast time passes.
When Kristofer first left for basic training, Liam was young enough to not completely understand that dad was missing for quite some time. Though I didn't realize it then, it actually made things a lot easier for me. I had a happy little baby to keep me busy and keep my mind off of how much I missed my husband.
Now that I have a (almost) two year old, he's old enough to know things are "off." When we dropped Kristofer off at the airport this last time, Liam assumed he would be back. He continued to bring me "dada shoe", knocking on closed doors expecting dad to be behind them, and running to the phone every time in rang or chimed, figuring it must be dad. I'll be honest, seeing that our little boy became so used to daddy being home in such a short time and noticing instantly that he was now missing, it made things so much harder. I was now not only keeping my mind off of missing Kris, but I was now trying to keep two minds off of our missing piece.
Luckily, schedules adapt, you get back into your own rhythm, and you, once again, get used to communication through skype/phone calls, and texts. Well, as "used to" as you can get. We restart our count down until we see "dada" again and look forward to hearing his voice each day and keep in mind how lucky we are to have a dad/husband to serves our country and know that no matter how far he is, we are still his #1 and he ours.

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