
what we've been up to

After setting this thing up months ago I decided to finally get into this blogging craze. So to start I thought it only makes sense to catch everyone up to date.

Kristofer is working on finishing his communications major this December and plans on applying for physicians assistant schooling, just as soon as he gets a few more hours as a CNA. He is loving being an USU Aggie and a Sig Ep! He is currently training himself for a triathlon this April! 

I am working as assistant manager/third key at Claire's jewelry store. I never thought i would love sales but I absolutely love it! (May just be my obsession with jewelry though.) I am taking my CNA test in two weeks and plan on working Claires and as a CNA. I can't wait to work two jobs I love. 

Kristofer and I are loving the married life! Though we've been only been married six months, it's seems like it's been even shorter. Time flies by way too fast!

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