
6 weeks!

How far along: 6 weeks and 5 days
Total weight gain: pretty much the same so far
Maternity clothes:no need yet!
Stretch marks:better not get any for a long while!
Sleep:constant need for naps
Miss anything:having energy and not feeling slightly sick most of the day!
Movement: soon enough 
Food cravings:salsa, salsa, and more salsa
Anything making you queasy or sick:i have a slight queasy feeling all day but if i don't eat enough it gets a bit worse. so far the only time it hit me hard was in the car.
Gender:still have a while 
Symptoms: hungry, tired, and plenty trips to the bathroom.
Belly button in or out? in 
Wedding ring on or off? better fit for a long time!
Looking forward to: getting a baby belly instead of having this bloated belly!
Fear: something going wrong when i go in for my appointment in two weeks.

Baby is the size of a sweet pea!
This week I really started to feel the pregnancy symptoms.
Morning sickness is starting to creep up, bathroom breaks are more often, and naps are a must.  Cravings also hit me hard this week! Salsa is my new best friend. I can eat it on anything! I don't crave chocolate anymore(weird, i know), in fact it almost tastes bitter to me now. I'm starting to get used to the idea of expecting a little one and I'm getting more and more excited everyday!

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