
one year and counting!

Last week Kristofer and I were able to go to Colorado for our one year anniversary. I've only been there once before two years ago to spend Thanksgiving with Kris' family, so I already new that I loved Colorado and couldn't wait to go during the summer! Despite the long drive, I managed to stay awake for most of the drive (don't listen to what Kris says) which for anyone who has driven more than two hours with me knows I zonk out in the car as soon as I click on my seat belt. This is especially amazing seeing as though most of the drive is through Wyoming. . . . BORING. But at least we got our Taco John's, which makes the drive worth it.

When we finally got to Colorado a couple hours later we ended up at Bingo with Gma! This may make you laugh but let me tell you, BINGO IS ADDICTIVE.  It seriously is so much fun. It sucked me right in. If I could I would be right next to Gma every weekend stamping away at my cards. . . maybe not at many as Gma though ;)

 The next morning Kristofer, Kami, and I headed of to my first tubing adventure. Yes, my first. 21 years old and I had yet to tube a river. It's not that I had never had the chance, things just always didn't work out when my friends would go. I always had to work or was somewhere else at the time. Let me tell ya. . . this water was capital C-O-L-D. But for some reason nobody cared. There were people kayaking, people on the side panning for gold, swimmers, other tubers, and bikers along side. So much fun! 

This weekend was also special because Kami was leaving for Montana for college, So we got to be there for the last big hoorah. Now you think you've been to a family BBQ, but you haven't until you've been to the Gates family BBQ. There was so many different choices to eat, and it wasn't just "burger or hot dog?" Usually being pregnant and hating meat at the moment would get in the way but I grabbed those ribs and chowed down. They were so good. Unfortunately no pictures of the BBQ, but I would count it as a blessing. I wouldn't want you to be jealous. 
 Now for the big one. I got to go to my very first water park! To my fellow Utahns, I just want to let you know before I go on that 7 Peaks is on a water park.  I too was deceived by the wave pool and few slides, but let me tell you, there is more out there! And that "more" is called Water World. So many different slides it's crazy. I loved it! Which is weird to hear me say, I know. Seeing as though I'm not a huge pool girl. But I did love it and I'm so glad my eyes were open. Once again, no pictures. Taking my camera to a water park just makes me nervous.

The next night we were majorly spoiled. Eric, Katrissa, Gpa, and Gma got us a room at Ameristar casino and spa hotel. This hotel was to mother of hotels. It was so nice! When we went to check in they saw that it was our anniversary weekend and upgraded us to the sweet!!! So off we went to the 27 floor looked down the hall one way to see a line of doors and then looked down the other, there stood one single door. . . ours. Oh man. Now, I don't know where this luck came from but after a few minutes calling the front desk confused about out billing they told us they were just going to comp our room for us. This huge expensive room for free?! We decided we better enjoy this since we probably won't be this spoiled again! I'll just let you watch the video. It was amazing.

It was now time for the dreaded drive back home. This time I wasn't too bummed about the long drive home. We had so much fun, we shopped like crazy, and I slept in the best bed ever the night before. I was buckled up and ready to go but then BAM. Morning sickness came at me with no mercy. It seriously hit me like a ton of bricks. Every turn and wind out of that first canyon was torture. I felt every bump and divot in the road. We finally made it to Taco John's (of course) and that restaurant restroom was the best thing I saw for miles. After sitting down and eating a bit, I drank my water and got back in the car. Thank goodness that was over. Road trips and pregnancy do not mix people. They do not mix. When we got home Kristofer's dad was in town and took us out for a quick dinner. It was nice to catch up a bit and talk. It's always nice seeing family when they live so far away, even if it is for a couple hours. Can't wait for the next time everyone can get together.

Anyway, this turned out to be quite long! But that was our anniversary trip. Amazing way to celebrate one year in my opinion :)

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