
12 weeks!

  (sorry it's a little dark. I had to use the computer camera since my camera is dead)
Baby is the size of a plum!
How far along: 12 weeks and 5 days
Total weight gain: i've lost 10 pounds! so, thanks morning sickness?
Maternity clothes:no need yet! my pants are actually a little loose now.
Stretch marks:better not get any for a long while!
Sleep:it's gotten a lot better at night, except for the getting up 5 times to pee. . .
Miss anything:wanting meat. i seriously don't care for it at all.
Movement:still have a bit to go
Food cravings: i'm just barely getting my appetite back, but i really love carrots and for some odd reason peppers! i had some at olive garden in their salad and had to go buy a jar. haha.
Anything making you queasy or sick: the car gets me every time and everyday from 6am until about 10 or 11 am, i feel pretty nauseous.
Gender: still have a while 
Symptoms: plenty of bathroom trips, sickness in mornings
Belly button in or out? in
Wedding ring on or off? it better fit for a long time!
Looking forward to:  getting past this "is she pregnant or is she just getting fat?" stage. haha.
Fear: i'm feeling pretty good right now.

I've been pretty lazy about blogging lately. . . the last month was rough! I was pretty much bed ridden (or couch ridden) for a while feeling the infamous morning sickness, so I just couldn't get myself to even think about something to type! But the good news is, i'm well on my way to trimester 2 and already feeling SO SO SO much better. I now have the energy to get ready and leave the house without dragging my feet. Although my bed time is now much earlier and I'm waking up a little later, I call it an accomplishment. My baby bump is starting so poke out. If I didn't hold my stomach in the picture it would disappear into my shirt and look like I just eat too many doughnuts haha. I can't wait until it looks like I'm pregnant and I don't look like I've just been binging on cake!
Anyway ;) Now that I'm feeling a little more energetic I can tell you about my doctors appointment last week! I was so stinkin' nervous. I can't tell you why, I don't even know why. I didn't have a bad feeling, I knew it was all going to go perfectly, but I just couldn't calm down. Maybe it was the excitement of finally getting to see our baby after having to cancel the first one. When we got the the office I timidly walked up to the lady at the front desk and told her my information. After I told her why I was there and who I was there to see, it felt surreal. For a second I questioned myself if I really was there for that! So weird to hear me say it. After waiting for a few minutes they called us back. I got asked all the fun questions about my history, Kristofer's history, got all the info I needed then IT WAS TIME. We headed into the next room to see our baby. Feeling that chilly gel on my stomach snapped me out of my thoughts and the nerves hit my again. For a second I couldn't look! I took a deep breath and moved my hands from my face. Our baby was right there on the screen, jumping all over the place! The heart beat was incredible. Never thought something like that would be one of my favorite sounds. It was nice to know that these nauseous and exhausting days weren't in my head and that they weren't for nothing. Best feeling in the world.

baby k !

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