
sometimes I rant.

When I uploaded that photo all that came to mind was "feeling large and in charge!" Holy hannah! Where did that belly come from?! I've truly been slacking in the blogging department lately. A lot has been going on around here and if I'm honest, it is stressful with a capital S. With Kristofer putting in his two weeks at his CNA job, preparing for his trip to New York, and leaving for his new job in Salt Lake City right after that, you can say most of my time has been going into making sure everything will go smoothly when the time comes to pack this place up and head down to our new place. Not to mention putting in my three weeks at work, researching my new hospital I will be delivering at ONE month after we move, finding a new doctor. . .for my last month of pregnancy, getting our new place put together enough for things to feel at home when we bring our little guy home. Which for me includes setting up his nursery, setting up our living room, last minute shopping for EVERYTHING baby K needs (since I honestly have nothing haha) all while 8 months pregnant. I'll probably be packing this place up on my own since Kris will be working in SLC and unpacking everything since I'll be at home with no car all day. I'm not too excited about the packing (who would be, right?), but I love unpacking. Im excited to figure our where to put things and make this new place our new home for a while. Cheers to change!

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