
Liam Beck.

As you may all know by now, Kristofer and I are now parents to a perfect baby boy! We are so blessed to have him here and so happy he is such a strong little baby!
Having him as early as I did was definitely not what we expected and definitely a big surprise! My water broke when I was only 32 weeks. It didn't break like you would expect. Every time I would bend down to pick something up or move something I would leak just a little bit, I was sure I was just peeing my pants over and over again! When Kristofer took me to the hospital I was sure they were going to tell me I was over reacting and that I just needed to go home and rest.  Looks like it was a bit more serious than I thought! They had me go to labor and delivery where I found out I would be on bed rest. . . .I was now confined to a bed until my baby was ready to come out. That was the longest week and a half ever, to say the least. I was so happy to have so many friends come and see me. They saved me from going crazy. Saturday, Feb. 16, I finally made it to 34 weeks and was ready to be induced. 20 hours of ice chips, contractions, and lovely drugs later, we met our sweet little boy!

Liam Beck Kabalan

Born February 17, 2013

4:40 AM

5 lbs 7 oz

19 inches

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