

I can not express enough how blessed we are! Liam is doing amazing. We only have a few goals to meet before we can bring him home.

-Get his feeding up to 50 ml.
-He needs to be able to regulate his temperature (gaining a little more weight will solve this)
-Eat 5 days in a row with out his stats dropping. (preemies often have to learn how to breathe, suck, and swallow at the same time.)

He is already taking these goals on like a champ!  Today we tried feeding him the 50 ml and he did it! We just need him to continue to eat this much. (which I'm sure he will, once again, he loves his food)
He has now gone 2 days with out his stats dropping while eating. Which means he is catching on to the whole breathing, sucking, and swallowing thing. As for the regulating temperature goal, we aren't worried. If he continues to eat 50 ml each feeding he will definitely gain the weight he needs to.
Liam did have to be put under billi lights for a day. Though his jaundice numbers were really low, they didn't want them to start climbing. Putting him under the lights for the day was easier and a lot less painful than pricking his poor heel every morning. Because he is doing so well and continues to amaze us and his doctor, they had us watch the videos you need to see to take him home and bring in his car seat so they can start doing car seat checks soon! Which can only mean our little guy will soon be home with us, right?!

I can't believe how strong and healthy our baby boy is. The nurses always tease that he thinks he is older than he really is. He's always giving us smiles and making his funny noises. We're so lucky to have such a patient, happy baby. I can't wait to have him home with us.

1 comment:

  1. Its good to hear that he's doing well! I hope you guys get to take him home soon!
