
quick catch up.

Yay for having internet back on! Just a quick catch up before I hit the hay. The past couple weeks have been pretty crazy between Kristofer finishing training at work, moving, and bringing Liam Beck home. West Jordan is treating us well. I love being so close to family and it's definitely nice to be by more than "this Wal-mart and that Wal-mart." (I now get my Target trips back!) Though I do find myself missing Logan during the day. Mostly the people. (you know who you are!) Liam is doing awesome! He finally hit 6 pounds and is eating like a champ. That boy loves to eat. He is becoming more active and is starting to stay awake for longer periods during the day. It's so much fun watching him look around and take in his surroundings. I absolutely love our little family!

 Had to add this one. haha! ^^^

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