
one month.

weight: when we went to the doctors last week he finally hit 6 lbs! we will find out what he weighs now tomorrow.
health: he tends to get a stuffy nose at night, so sad!, and because he is eating formula he has been a little constipated, other than that he is doing so well! healthy little boy!
sleep: he gets up about 3 times a night right now. we are slowly getting on a schedule.
diet: right now he is about half breast milk, half formula. because he was in the hospital at first, he had to feed out of a bottle, this meant having to teach him to breast feed. he has gotten so much better but i think he is determined to be a bottle baby.
crying: because of the constipation he gets a little cranky. poor guy! but he really is the happiest, calmest baby.
clothes: nothing fits him! he is too small for newborn and it's so hard to find preemie clothing. he pretty much lives in onesies right now.
baby gear love: he love love loves his binky (better than sucking his thumb, right?) he also loves his carseat. he loves his swing  but the moment you but him in his carseat he passes out.
social: we have to limit how much we take him out but he has had plenty of visitors. he loves to try and focus on people talking and take in all his surroundings.
likes: he loves to be held. as long as he's being cuddled he'll be content all day.
postpartum: feeling pretty good. recovery was pretty fast for me.
milestones: he is awake a lot more now. i love watching him look around and explore his surroundings. he loves to smile! it's so cute seeing that toothless smile.

 don't worry, we didn't forget our green today! (thanks great grandpa and grandma for the shirt!)

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