
6 months.

+ health: He is still on his iron supplements but other than that he is great.
+ weight: He has his 6 month check up tomorrow, so we'll find out then, but my guess is 20-22 pounds. Big boy!

+ sleep: I finally got his on a schedule and moved him into his own room. Ever since I moved him into his crib he has slept ALL NIGHT and he doesn't wake up until 8:00 am! hallelujah!
+ diet: Other than his bottles we've started him on greens. He absolutely loves being able to eat from a spoon. The moment he gets that bib on, he knows it's coming.

+ crying: Still such a happy boy. He's learned that when his fake cry doesn't get our attention, he can fake cough to get it. It's hilarious.
+ clothes: He's wearing 6 months right now but growing fast!
+ baby gear love: He loves his toys but boy, if you give this kid paper, he will play with it until it is in pieces. Easy enough!
+ social: He loves being around people. He will fight for your attention. I always catch him smiling at strangers over my shoulder. I hope he stays this way forever.
+ milestones: He's still a little wobbly but he is getting this sitting thing down. It will be nice to not have to have the bumbo around all the time. 
He's is getting so big, so stinkin' fast. He is a HALF a year old. I love watching Liam's personality show more and more. He is so funny, happy, goofy, photogenic, and such a sweetheart. He is going to be a handful but I seriously can't wait to see continue to grow into the little person he is.

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