
5 months.

 + weight:16 pounds! Big boy!

+ health: He's doing awesome. His iron is a little low, which is common in premature babies. But other than that he is perfect.

+ sleep: He's getting better at only getting up twice a night. I can't wait for him to learn to sleep all night!
+ diet: He absolutely LOVES his oatmeal cereal. He even knows when the bowl is getting low and start worrying that he won't get anymore. This boy loves his food, that's for sure.
+ crying: He is such a happy little boy. He will laugh and smile at anything.
+ clothes: Still in 3-6 months but I'm sure by next week we will have to bump up to 6-9 months. Growing so fast *tear*
+ baby gear love: He loves his little colorful toys. He finally learned to pick up and hold them so they now keep him busy for longer than two minutes. Thank goodness!
+ social: He is a flirt. He thinks everyone is talking to him no matter what. He will talk over and yell over anyone, doesn't matter who is talking. It's funny how social he is.
+ milestones: He is so close to sitting! I can get him to do it for a minute before he fall to the side, but I'm sure we will get it soon. He loves it!

He is developing the funniest and the sweetest personality. It's amazing how much he changes in just a week! My baby is getting so big!

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