
4 months.

+ weight: We haven't had his 4 mo. check up just yet but he sure is getting heavy!

+ health: Allergies sometimes bug him but other than that he is a healthy little boy.

+ sleep: He's getting better! most nights he's been waking up once at 4:00 and then 8:30 or so. It's been nice!
+ diet: We get to start solids soon! Can't wait!
+ crying: He is a happy little boy. He really only cries when he's tired or give us a fake cry when he's hungry.
+ clothes: Still wearing 3 mo. but this kid is growing fast!
+ baby gear love: He is finally starting to love his bumbo. He has discovered that he has feet and loves to sit and look at them.
+ social: He is such a talker. He will talk to anything and anyone. Even if no one is listening he'll go on and on.
+ milestones: He loves to smile. He is so happy! He loves to laugh, well squeal. If he loves something he will squeal LOUDLY. He is reaching out for everything now. He has realized that if he wants something he can get it.

I've realized that the older he gets, the more fun he is. I love watching his personality change and develop more and more every day. And he sure does have a lot of it! It's amazing being this little boys mom.

1 comment:

  1. You take better photos than any other photographer! And you are free!!
