
22 weeks!

Baby is the size of a papaya!

How far along: 22 weeks and 5 days
Total weight gain: last time I weighed myself was just after Thanksgiving dinner but I was almost to my goal weight! 9 pounds gained total.
Maternity clothes: still just a belly band. I should probably invest in some pants soon though. I'm sure they'd be a lot more comfortable.
Sleep: Doing a lot better now. I only wake up once in the early morning.
Miss anything: My feet not hurting so bad after work! They start hurting so easily now.
Movement:He's been moving like crazy lately! He's getting so strong. I love it!
Food cravings: It's strange. I don't have any cravings at all. I haven't since my 1st trimester.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope. Doing pretty good.
Gender: baby BOY!!!
Symptoms: back is starting to feel the belly weight and feet hurting.
Belly button in or out? half way. I'm really hoping it doesn't end up an outty. At least not until the end.
Wedding ring on or off? it better fit for a long time!
Looking forward to: starting on his nursery soon.
Fear: nothing so far. I'm feeling pretty good.

These last couple weeks have been my favorite so far. Baby boy is moving so much! Kris was able to feel him kick for the first time a couple of days ago. It was amazing being able to share the feeling with him. I love just sitting and feeling him kick and kick. I better enjoy it while it's not uncomfortable, right? 

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