
5 pregnancy symptoms I never expected

1. I sneeze like there is no tomorrow. Ever since I was about 8 weeks I have been constantly sneezing. I wake up with sneezes and it continues throughout the day. I never would have expected this to be a symptom but I guess it's more common than I thought! So weird!

2. Olives, once my favorite finger food, now disgusts me. Ever since I can remember olives were a treat to me. Being little and putting them on my fingers (okay, maybe I still did this until now) were what made olives the best snack food. Now even the sight of olives gross me out, which is truly a shame.

3. If you are easily grossed out, or you feel some things are best left unsaid, don't read this number. I am 100% honest. Chest acne has hit me. Now I've heard of your skin breaking out during pregnancy, but I always imagined having to buy extra face cream and cover up. I never expected it here! I have never had an acne problem, in fact, my face is as clear as can be. So why my chest? I have no freaking clue. All I know is that it better clear up when March rolls around!

4. Oh my ever growing nose! You may be laughing or a little bit confused, but you read right. My. nose. is. growing. It may be something only I notice, maybe not. It's probably something you can easily notice on yourself but no one else can. Either way, if this continues I'm afraid my nose it going to just get wider and wider! What can ya do?


5. My alarm is baby kicks. Some of you are probably saying "duh" right now, but when I found out I was pregnant I never thought about the baby kicking. Now, I obviously knew that you feel the baby and everyone brags about how they love feeling those little jabs here and there, but it never crossed my mind that the baby has it's own mind and own schedule in the belly. In other words, baby doesn't care if you want to go to sleep at 10 and he sure as heck doesn't care if you don't want to wake up at 6, 7, 8 AM. He will kick your insides all he wants, and no, you won't sleep through it.

Now, being 23 weeks, I still have 17 weeks for this list to get bigger. But no matter what symptoms come and go during this pregnancy, I love why I have them and would go through anything for this baby. . . . even give up my olives and get a big nose. . . .

1 comment:

  1. You are darling! Thanks for your honestly, the fewer surprises I have the better!
