
27 weeks!

baby is the size of a rutabaga!

How far along: 27 weeks
Total weight gain: 10 pounds. I feel it all catching up to me now!
Maternity clothes: I found an awesome deal on pants, so I officially own 2 pairs! other than that I'm still a strong believer in the old rubberband trick. For Christmas my mother-in-law sent me maternity sweaters and a maternity jacket. I won't freeze this winter now!
Stretch marks: none so far! whew.
Sleep: insomnia has kicked in lately. I'm tired all day but when it's time for bed I just can't sleep.
Miss anything: bending over to put my shoes on without it being a chore! haha
Movement: squirmy little guy. I love it!
Food cravings: food in general. haha
Anything making you queasy or sick: I have moments here and there. I'm afraid I'm going to be one of the women who get sick all over again in the 3rd trimester. I'm trying not to think about it!
Gender: little dude :)
Symptoms: I get pretty bad back pains between my shoulder blades and my legs get a little crampy. I went and got a heating pad and that has helped A TON.
Belly button in or out?oh my heavens. never in my life did I think it was possible but It is so close to popping out. freaks me out.
Wedding ring on or off? still on.
Looking forward to: all my sewing projects!
Fear: my glucose test and the million shots I have to get my next appointment.

It's so weird to think how far I've come. I'm definitely enjoying every second before the big day comes. I'm  feeling big and by the look of these pictures I look it too!  I will admit that I'm already getting to the point where I'm starting to miss my old body and how my clothes used to fit. I just have to remind myself how fast three months go by. We set up our crib last night and moved everything out of the spare bedroom to make room for baby k's stuff. Seeing that crib up and nothing but the baby stuff in that room makes my excited to start all my sewing and decorating!

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