+ weight: We haven't had his 4 mo. check up just yet but he sure is getting heavy!
+ health: Allergies sometimes bug him but other than that he is a healthy little boy.
+ sleep: He's getting better! most nights he's been waking up once at 4:00 and then 8:30 or so. It's been nice!
+ sleep: He's getting better! most nights he's been waking up once at 4:00 and then 8:30 or so. It's been nice!
+ diet: We get to start solids soon! Can't wait!
+ crying: He is a happy little boy. He really only cries when he's tired or give us a fake cry when he's hungry.
+ clothes: Still wearing 3 mo. but this kid is growing fast!
+ baby gear love: He is finally starting to love his bumbo. He has discovered that he has feet and loves to sit and look at them.
+ social: He is such a talker. He will talk to anything and anyone. Even if no one is listening he'll go on and on.
I've realized that the older he gets, the more fun he is. I love watching his personality change and develop more and more every day. And he sure does have a lot of it! It's amazing being this little boys mom.