
4 months.

+ weight: We haven't had his 4 mo. check up just yet but he sure is getting heavy!

+ health: Allergies sometimes bug him but other than that he is a healthy little boy.

+ sleep: He's getting better! most nights he's been waking up once at 4:00 and then 8:30 or so. It's been nice!
+ diet: We get to start solids soon! Can't wait!
+ crying: He is a happy little boy. He really only cries when he's tired or give us a fake cry when he's hungry.
+ clothes: Still wearing 3 mo. but this kid is growing fast!
+ baby gear love: He is finally starting to love his bumbo. He has discovered that he has feet and loves to sit and look at them.
+ social: He is such a talker. He will talk to anything and anyone. Even if no one is listening he'll go on and on.
+ milestones: He loves to smile. He is so happy! He loves to laugh, well squeal. If he loves something he will squeal LOUDLY. He is reaching out for everything now. He has realized that if he wants something he can get it.

I've realized that the older he gets, the more fun he is. I love watching his personality change and develop more and more every day. And he sure does have a lot of it! It's amazing being this little boys mom.


using those hands.

That chubby boy on my lap surprised us the other day by deciding he wants start grabbing things! I love that he's getting so active lately and waking up with new ways to surprise us every day. The best part? He's only been using his left hand. We might have a lefty like his mama.
Go lefties!



sleep anyone?

Liam Beck Kabalan. He is probably the best sleeper. He will go to sleep at about 11:30, wake up at 2:00, wake up again at 4:00, then wake up once more at 6:30/7:00, only to wake up for the day at 8:30. Amazing, right? Ah, my awesome little sleeper.
Wrong. If you were thinking how great of a sleeper he is then you are in as much denial as I am trying to be. The constant telling myself "So what if I haven't slept a full night since February 5." (yes, I know the exact day) and "I only really need 4 hours of sleep to function, anyway." is starting to wear off. This kid just doesn't cut us any slack. It's a good thing he's so darn cute. All you mom's out there are welcome to give me any advice you may have. I welcome any suggestions I can get! Until then I'll just be here, lying on the floor with my blood shot eyes. . . ingesting as much caffeine as possible. 


laughs & giggles.

You know one of those "mom moments" where you just want to scream out "my child is so darn, amazingly, awesomely, perfect!" I just had one. (all you experienced moms out there, don't burst my bubble just yet, he's 3 months so I get to think that just a little bit longer, okay?!)
p.s. yes, that's drool. We wear it well around here.


family hike// ensign peak.

 Here are a few pictures from our hike on Sunday. Living here my entire life you would think I would have been to Ensign Peak before! It's a nice short climb and the view is so pretty. We may have chosen the hottest day of the week to climb in the the sun but it was nice to spend some time outside together as a family. Though Liam didn't appreciate the sun in his eyes too much and fell asleep as soon at we started walking(?!!?!?), I'm sure he loved getting out of the house. Afterwards, we headed to Temple Square, where we ate lunch under the temple. I can't wait to make this a Sunday tradition.
 finally decided to wake up!

green summer smoothie.


2 cups fresh spinach, tightly packed
1 cup almond milk, unsweetened
1 cup cold water
1 cup mango
1 1/2 whole carrots
1 cup pineapple
2 bananas
1 teaspoon flax seed


Blend spinach, almond milk, and water until completely smooth. Add in mango and carrots, blend until smooth. Add in pineapple, bananas, and flax seed, blend until smooth.

*remember to have at least one frozen fruit to make it cold!