
2013 highlights

I can't believe 2013 is just about over. I feel like just as I was getting settled and ready to enjoy this year, it became December. (Not to mention finally remembering to write 2013 on all my assignments and paperwork instead 2012. Yes I'm that person.) I'll be honest though, I am SO excited to say goodbye to that 3 at the end of 2013 and insert a 4. If this year had a theme, it was definitely patience.  This year was full of "get over it" and "everything happens for a reason" lessons. This year may have been the toughest yet, but it has been so full of blessings and those blessing out way the disappointments by far.

Some of our highlights this year:

 Liam Beck

Our biggest and best blessing, Liam Beck. This little boy came in with a bang and definitely started the theme for this year. From deciding to join our family at 32 weeks, being put on bed rest in the hospital for 2 weeks, and visiting him in the NICU until he was able to come home to us to digging out every single toy I just put away two minutes before, he has taught mom and dad that every second is precious. (Even if at that moment you feel like you are at the end of your rope.) Liam has brought something to our little family that makes us complete. He started 2013 perfectly. We love our little boy.  

Moving out of Logan

Moving out of Logan after Kristofer got his first "big boy" job. Kristofer and I met in Logan, married in Logan, and had Liam in Logan. Logan was all we knew together and where we had most of our memories. Leaving that little town was a big step for us and we still miss it often. Now that we are in West Jordan we have been able to see my family more often and that has been amazing. Especially because we aren't sure how much longer we will be in Utah. I have loved soaking up every minute with my family and am so glad that Liam has been able to get to know them so well.

 Kristofer's graduation

After years of hard work Kristofer graduated from Utah State University. Not only was this such a huge accomplishment for him but it made me so excited for when my day comes! All those all nighters and hours of studying paid off. It was so much fun watching him walk across that stage. Go Aggies!

Family trips and visits

We were so spoiled this year by our family. They all went out of their way to make time for us. Whether it was making it possible for us to come to them or taking time out of their busy schedules to come see us, they all made sure we saw each other. We are so blessed to have a family that knows the importance of being together and so happy that Liam gets to experience that.

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