

Well, It's obvious that I failed miserably at taking pictures this Christmas. It seems like it went by so fast! Liam was so spoiled. Just to same some gifts (mind you, some), Liam got blocks, puzzles, a door jumper, and Gramma & Grampa K sent him his own stocking. We stayed the night at my parents so we could spend Christmas morning opening presents with my family. Liam must have known it was Christmas Eve because he would not sleep for anything. 1:00 AM and he was talking and giggling, 2:30 AM he finally fell asleep, and 8:00 AM he was R-E-A-D-Y to get going. But watching him open his presents made the bags under our eyes worth it. Christmas is 100x better with a kid. I'm so bummed I didn't take more pictures, maybe that will have to be my New Years resolution. 
(p.s. I can't believe this kid is going to be 1 in a month and a half. my heart, ouch.)


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