
ten months.

+ weight: 23 lbs. Believe it or not, I was guessing he weight more than this!
+ health: His teething is getting better. Those darn things just need to pop through already.

+ sleep: He wakes up around one on the dot. If I give him a little something to help his teething, he usually sleep through the night. This teething is no joke guys.
+ diet: He's starting to eat more of the food we eat. He loves to eat off our plates.
+ crying: He usually pretty good. He gets mad when he wants to get somewhere and can't figure out how to get there. It's so dang frustrating for him.
+ clothes: This will surprise all of you (insert sarcasm) He's wearing 12 month clothes. . . and those are getting a little snug around the thighs. oh dear.
+ baby gear love: Do iphones count? He has a radar for those things. Hide yo phones guys, he'll find 'em.
+ social: He's gotten to that shy stage. He isn't scared or nervous around people, he just likes to tease you by looking down and giving half, corner smiles. Hold your arm out to him and he'll go to you, but don't expect a smile for at least 5 minutes.
+ milestones: He wants to crawl SO BAD. He get in the stance but gets confused when it comes to going and ends up on his tummy. He's just a chubby dude, haha! He loves to stand and is doing great at walking holding our hands. Maybe he'll get walking before crawling? Right now he's just content with rolling to his destination. It's so funny watching his see something across the room and roll to it. Gotta get there somehow!
We've been hanging out in jammies night and day. It gets so cold in our home, we would rather put on footy pajamas and cocoon ourselves in blankets. (call me a drama queen) Liam's being a good sport about this winter weather, but I think I will always be a hater of the snow and ice cold wind. Oh well, gives me an excuse to steal snuggles.

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