
12/52 & 13/52

  A portrait of Liam once a week, every week in 2014 

The older he gets, the more I'm amazed by his view of the world. Little things like rolling around and playing on mom and dads bed puts the biggest smiles on his face. He finds joy in everything.

 A portrait of Liam once a week, every week in 2014 

You can see him trying to figure out how to climb over the railing and out of his crib. It's definitely time to lower his mattress, but that's just one more indication that my little baby is growing up.


Here's to the future

As I'm writing this post I can't help but realize my shaking hands. It's been a whirlwind of a week so far and I know it's only going to get crazier and definitely busier! We got quite a surprise of a call on Monday. Funny how one phone call can change everything.
We got Kristofer's official date of departure for basic training. This is great news and we are so excited but we definitely didn't expect it to be so soon. To be honest, with the way things have been going for us, I was expecting to wait until June or so. I'm probably going to get a lot of "I told you so's" since I was expecting a later date, but I honestly didn't think this phone call would happen! But, it did and here we are, scrambling to get things in order, figure out my schooling schedule with Liam, and mentally gearing ourselves to say goodbye for a while.
Now, what does this mean for our little family? It means Kristofer has A LOT of training for the next two years and Liam and I only have about a year left here in Utah. It is terrifying to think we're only going to see Kristofer a handful of times for a long while, but we are ecstatic that things are finally moving forward and that we are starting the life we have been fighting for, for so long!
I have already been offered so much advice and support, and I thank every single one of you! Keep it coming (!!) because I know I'm going to need all of it. Here's to our future!


spontaneous getaway, anyone?

 I'm a little ashamed to say that I'm just now getting to blogging about out mini- vacation. I have been constantly thinking about it and it has literally been #1 on my to-do list. But hey, one week later isn't too bad, right?
I was born and raised in Utah. I really do love it here and am told constantly by out-of-staters that I shouldn't take such a beautiful place for granted. I mean, Utah really does have everything! North state is snow boarding, forestry, and mountains. Southern state has red rock, rock climbing, beautiful hikes, and great areas for boating. (did I mention warmth?)
Kristofer has been talking about a bucket list he has before he leaves for basic. He wants to really take advantage of all the Utah has to offer before he's gone. He's mentioned Moab before but we never really put effort into figuring our when we could go. I'd never been to Moab (there I am taking my home for granted) so I didn't really know what I was missing. I always just let it roll of my shoulder, not really taking his comments seriously. Until last Friday when we were driving in  the car and states that he really wants to go and he didn't have work for a couple day. hint, hint. Next thing I know we are booking a hotel and  packing to leave the next morning.
Early Saturday morning we were off! Unfortunately, we could only stay two days but I feel like we did an amazing job and fitting everything we did in! It was so, so beautiful!
Our first day in was pretty windy. We pushed through and hiked to the Delicate Arch knowing it would be worth it. And it absolutely was. Liam was such a good sport and let us have our fun. He cuddled up to mom at the top of the hike and enjoyed the view. And what a view it was!
Our next day was perfect for hiking. No wind and hardly any clouds to be found. We were able to see Canyon Lands. It's amazing how small that place makes you feel. You're surrounded by land that seems to go on forever. I hope to return soon.
It was just the mini-vacation we needed and I truly appreciate the time I had to get away with my boys.



 A portrait of Liam once a week, every week in 2014 
Liam's been doing so well as standing on his own lately! It all started at this latter while we were spending some time at the park. You can see him stare at a place he wants to get to or stare at an object he so badly wants and know that he is trying to figure out how to get there with out crawling. My little late bloomer is soon to be walking, I know it!


There's no pain like teething pain.

 It's been a rough couple days with Liam's teething lately. Unfortunately, he is a slow teether. It seems like it takes months for a tooth to finally pop through. He's been working on his two top teeth for a while and those darn things just wont push through! We know they are getting close when Liam starts getting sensitive around his gums and he starts getting little fevers. It's sad to see him in so much pain but we know he's getting close and we can't wait to see our little guy with four teeth! (finally). I've been enjoying the cuddles and loves I've been getting out of him, so there are some positives. (for mama, anyway). Teething is no joke!



 A portrait of Liam once a week, every week in 2014 
Have you ever seen a kid who loves the slide as much as this one? He could play on it all day long if I let him (and if I had the muscle strength). He thinks the slide is the best thing at the park! The minute you put him at the top you have to be ready because he literally dives down, head first, whether you're ready of not. He's one brave little boy!


easter basket ideas

one / two / three / four / five / six / seven

Easter has always been one of my favorite days to celebrate. This year has me especially excited now that Liam is at a age where he has a better understanding of present opening and gets excited over gifts. Though Easter is still a bit away, I have been thinking about what to put in Liam's basket. I want him to have some fun toys as well as things he's been needing. I think I finally found a perfect balance between both for my little guy. Now, I just have to try and not give in to my excitement and start giving him his gifts early!


a much needed break.

 I think it will always catch me off guard at how time consuming school work is and how hard it is having to find a balance between family and classes. This last week was especially tiring for me. Liam has been going through a whole list of things, teething being one, that have put him in a difficult mood. He seems to think afternoon naps are an option and he can't seem to stay interested in anything longer than 2 minutes. With Liam needing more attention than usual, midterms were extra exhausting but I'm glad to say they are finished and spring break is officially here. I am excited to have a week free of the constant nagging feeling of a paper due and worry about classes and quizzes. I can focus on making my little guy feel better and maybe get some DIY projects I've had my eye on done. I enjoy the little breaks I have just sit with Liam and reflect. I love the quiet moments I get and I can just watch him and truly experience every moment with him. I finally get a week of that. To you other mamas and dads out there balancing work, school, and children, I salute you. You guys are heroes.



 A portrait of Liam once a week, every week in 2014 
Liam and dad at the park. Liam is so in love with the swings, especially when dad pushes him.