
a much needed break.

 I think it will always catch me off guard at how time consuming school work is and how hard it is having to find a balance between family and classes. This last week was especially tiring for me. Liam has been going through a whole list of things, teething being one, that have put him in a difficult mood. He seems to think afternoon naps are an option and he can't seem to stay interested in anything longer than 2 minutes. With Liam needing more attention than usual, midterms were extra exhausting but I'm glad to say they are finished and spring break is officially here. I am excited to have a week free of the constant nagging feeling of a paper due and worry about classes and quizzes. I can focus on making my little guy feel better and maybe get some DIY projects I've had my eye on done. I enjoy the little breaks I have just sit with Liam and reflect. I love the quiet moments I get and I can just watch him and truly experience every moment with him. I finally get a week of that. To you other mamas and dads out there balancing work, school, and children, I salute you. You guys are heroes.

1 comment:

  1. These are some beautiful pictures, and good colours :)
    Loved them.
