
spontaneous getaway, anyone?

 I'm a little ashamed to say that I'm just now getting to blogging about out mini- vacation. I have been constantly thinking about it and it has literally been #1 on my to-do list. But hey, one week later isn't too bad, right?
I was born and raised in Utah. I really do love it here and am told constantly by out-of-staters that I shouldn't take such a beautiful place for granted. I mean, Utah really does have everything! North state is snow boarding, forestry, and mountains. Southern state has red rock, rock climbing, beautiful hikes, and great areas for boating. (did I mention warmth?)
Kristofer has been talking about a bucket list he has before he leaves for basic. He wants to really take advantage of all the Utah has to offer before he's gone. He's mentioned Moab before but we never really put effort into figuring our when we could go. I'd never been to Moab (there I am taking my home for granted) so I didn't really know what I was missing. I always just let it roll of my shoulder, not really taking his comments seriously. Until last Friday when we were driving in  the car and states that he really wants to go and he didn't have work for a couple day. hint, hint. Next thing I know we are booking a hotel and  packing to leave the next morning.
Early Saturday morning we were off! Unfortunately, we could only stay two days but I feel like we did an amazing job and fitting everything we did in! It was so, so beautiful!
Our first day in was pretty windy. We pushed through and hiked to the Delicate Arch knowing it would be worth it. And it absolutely was. Liam was such a good sport and let us have our fun. He cuddled up to mom at the top of the hike and enjoyed the view. And what a view it was!
Our next day was perfect for hiking. No wind and hardly any clouds to be found. We were able to see Canyon Lands. It's amazing how small that place makes you feel. You're surrounded by land that seems to go on forever. I hope to return soon.
It was just the mini-vacation we needed and I truly appreciate the time I had to get away with my boys.

1 comment:

  1. Did Liam take the picture of you two by the national park sign? hahahah great stuff, as always!
