
you did what?!

Well guys. Big changes are coming for our little family. But first a little back story.
When I first started dating Kristofer 4 years ago, I knew he was from a military family. In fact, our first date he told me he was going to be joining the Air Force as soon as he graduated with his bachelors. It was something we have always planned around. "When you're in the military" turned into a casual sentence we said and still say often. As naive as a girl born and raised in the same place her entire life can be, I thought nothing of it. I've never really known or been around that lifestyle. I didn't know what being in any branch of the military really entailed. I thought you walked in signed a piece of paper and walked out with your date to leave, and that was that.
I'll tell you guys now, it is not that easy. It takes an exhausting amount of thought, courage, and paper work.
When Kristofer graduated last December he began looking to joining.  By this time he decided that he needed to look into more than just the Air Force. We were married with a brand new baby and we needed to make sure we did what was right for us. Long story short, there was a lot of back and forth. Army, Marines, Air Force. All are so different despite what you might think. I know I didn't think there was really any difference, then again, remember how naive I've been. We had many disappointments this last year and what feels like an eternity of waiting, but as of yesterday morning Kristofer signed his name on that line and promised himself to the Air Force.
Now, what does that mean for us? It means more waiting, to be honest. I'm going to keep some of the details to myself until I feel it's the right time to share and we know a little more. But for now I'll tell you he has been put on the delayed entry program. Meaning as soon as a spot opens up, he is off to basic training. This could mean he could be sent off in one month or it could be up to 6 months. WE JUST DON'T KNOW. I'll tell you what, It's scary as hell not knowing just when your husband is going to be leaving, but it's the life we signed up for, and it's something I need to learn to cope with.
I do know that I am incredibly proud of him and I absolutely love him.

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