
We're still here.

Oh, hi! It's been a minute since I've been on here. Okay, a long minute. I admit it, pretty much all year. So, here's a quick update on what's going on in the Kabalan household.
Liam is 2! and yes, the terrible two's have hit. From lipstick on the carpet to breaking my lap top screen (again), he's been a test on my patience but I think we'll keep him. He is pretty cute after all.
He is a collector of sunglasses (of all shapes and colors), cars (of all shapes and colors), and has pretty much memorized all shapes and colors. He loves blue and yellow and loves to point them out where ever he sees them. He has recently started to play "puppy" and will get down on all fours and "bark" no matter where we are. He amazes me with his imagination more and more every day.
Kristofer is SO close to being finished with his training before we can finally join him. We are crossing our fingers and praying that we only have a few months left! And it's about time, a year apart is long enough! Until then, I am enjoying every little thing Utah has to offer and really realizing how lucky I am to have been raised in such an amazing and beautiful state and enjoying the time we have left here.

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