
It's a girl.

The moment we were told there was a little girl joining our family in November, we were in a bit of a shock. "What!? A. . . GIRL? Are you sure? Are you serious? You're positive, right?"
I had a feeling throughout this pregnancy that she was a little lady but I was nervous to admit it, just in case I was mistaken and we were having a little boy. Which would have been AMAZING but, come on, who doesn't want a little girl?
The ultrasound technician wasted no time. She asked if we wanted to find out the gender and then as soon as my shirt was up and our baby popped up on that tv screen she blurted out, "Looks like you're having a girl this time." While we were still in our initial frozen state of shock, she moves on looking and picture capturing.
Que in our "Wait, wait, wait, WHAT!?"
 I think we've come around to the idea. Especially after I started shopping and seeing all the bows and sweet baby girl clothes. I'm on cloud 9!
Liam has completely adopted the "big brother" title. He's proud and excited to have a little sister. He may not completely understand what that means, but I love seeing his enthusiasm all the same.
We can't wait to meet this little girl in November.

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