
Utahns on the east coast.

One day I'm talking about packing all our stuff up and moving across the country and the next I disappear! But good news is, we made it. We are here. We are now residents of South Carolina.
We arrived in January, yes that long ago. Seven months of neglecting this post.
When we first arrived there was a wait list to live on base. This being my first duty station, I wanted to live on base and get a feel for this new lifestyle of not only pcsing in the military but also living so far away from my family in Utah. The wait list was upwards of a 3-6 month wait. We decided to get an apartment until a place opened up.

Luckily enough, we were offered a home ready for move-in, the day our apartment lease was up. Hallelujah! We moved into our place the first week of July and we are loving it. Liam loves being able to run and jump as much as he wants and I love the space to not trip over Liam every time I turn around. Kidding, Kidding. Kind of.

South Carolina is a whole new world. Moving from Utah to the south is a bigger culture shock than I ever expected. But one thing that was a surprise I'm perfectly okay with is the people. The locals here are some of the nicest people I've met. I mean, takes your cart from you in the parking-lot to return so you don't have to make the extra trip, hold the doors for you, and aren't afraid to send their children over to say hi to your children while shopping.

I think the thing that is most difficult is being in the land of sweet tea. How do you say no to breakfast, lunch, and dinner of sweet tea!? It's in every restaurant, front and center in the grocery stores, and the first thing you're offered here. Sweet tea for all in these parts!

Liam misses Utah. I'll admit it. He asks about it at least once a day. "Can we go to Utah?" "Is Utah far away?" "Is grandma in Utah?" Sometimes it kickstarts my homesickness but the more he meets friends and goes on his little adventures in our new neighborhood, he's becoming more and more okay with this being our new home. Bless that little boy!

So many pictures to share over this last year but I'll spare you the endless scrolling and share some of the favorites.

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