
Letter to Santa

You guys! I have a child that is old enough to write letters to Santa, get excited for Santa, and start to behave after I give him the ol' "Santa is watching you!" threat. When did that happen!?
The best part about this first letter is that it so perfectly describes him. Full of cars and treats. You better believe this Christmas will be full of gingerbread houses, cookies for Santa, and carrots for the reindeer. Because the holidays are so much more fun with a kid who can get you excited for the season all over again!



I think I say holidays are way more fun with kids every holiday, but I'll say it one more time (and probably again on Thanksgiving.) Holidays are way more fun with kids! Especially when they are old enough to really get into it with you. This Halloween was probably the best one yet. Not only did Liam pick out his own costume all on his own but he ran up to every house on his own, knocked on the doors, and managed to say "Please" at every door. (He said "trick-or-treat" to some but "please" seemed to make more sense to him and that's okay.)
He was proud of his collection of different candies by the end of the night and instinctively knew to dump it and sort it. What a natural. Next year we'll work on making sure he knows to grab more chocolate instead of skittles and gummy candy. 

Heber Creeper train ride.

I'm almost ashamed to say that I have lived in Utah my entire life and it wasn't until a couple weeks ago that I finally rode the Heber Creeper train. But that's okay because waiting until now meant sharing the experience with my 2 year old, and nothing makes things like this more fun than seeing the excitement on your childs face.
Liam is all about planes, trains, and automobiles. He was on cloud 9 when he got to not only touch the train but ride it!
On a side note: Anyone else have that one family member who can't take family photos seriously? In our case, two. *My dad and brother*


Hives Relief Roller Bottle.

I'm allergic to nickel. Earrings, necklaces, bracelets, anything with nickel left on my skin too long gives me hives. Though it's not as bad at it used to be when I was younger (I used to have to put nail polish over my pants buttons) I still have occasional flares. I'm usually pretty good at making sure I don't leave jewelry on too long but last night I forgot to take my necklace off after a wedding. (the prettiest wedding I ever saw, by the way.) And I woke up to a red, itchy, bumpy neck. I've been trying to ignore it for most of the day but about 6:00 pm, it was getting distracting. So, I decided "oils to the rescue!" Here's what I did.

Hives Relief Roller Blend


 5 ML roller bottle
 3 drops peppermint oil
 3 drops lavender oil
 3 drops tea tree (also called Melaleuca Alternifolia)
 V-6 (YL vegetable oil complex)



  1. add oils to roller bottle and fill the rest of the bottle with V-6.
  2. apply to affected area.

 6:12 pm: I am so itchy! I can't stop scratching, which is the worst feeling. I just mixed up some oil for a roller and applied all over my neck and chest. 

 6:15 pm: I felt instant relief from itching and there is a cooling affect, from the peppermint, I'm sure! 

 6:21 pm: The welts aren't as swollen now. I'm sure it helps that I'm not touching or scratching at them. 

  6:38 pm: What a difference! Redness is almost completely gone and at least 80% of my hives have disappeared! Can't wait to see how they look by later tonight. 

Notes: I'll probably apply more before I go to bed and let it do it's thing over night.  


Saturday's around here are usually pretty random. Sometimes I wake up and feel like it's a perfect weekend to just enjoy home and sometimes it starts out one way and the next I'm in my car, with Liam happily in the back, on my way to do whatever popped into my head.
Today was one of those days. I'm technically supposed to me packing my home (I only have a few day left) to put most of it in storage for when we finally get to move together as a family. Soon, so soon!
I was doing so well with packing too! Really, I was! But then I needed a drink and a break. But when you see a line of food trucks on a street and dogs everywhere, you have to stop. You just have to.
Yes we stumbled upon Salt Lake Cities Petapalooza adoption event. Don't worry, for the major puppy hunger I've had for at least the last year, I forced myself to leave dog-less. *tear*
I did get some awesome truck food though. I left it up to Liam to decide which truck we should order from and he, naturally, went for the most colorful one. Freestyle Mongolian Grill. I was pleased and Liam was pleased with the balloons he convinced me to steal for him. Shhh.


Liam's portrait 4.

Liam was more than happy to help pick out our Sunday tunes today.


2 1/2

Did you guys know that 1, 2, 3, is not the order children's ages go? It actually goes 1,  1 1/2,  2,  2 1/2, 3, and so on. So, all those arguments on the playground about who was in charge and since that one kid was not just 6 but 6 and a HALF, he was in charge. He was right. I've come to learn this, this past month. I'll get asked "How old is he?" and if I reply that he is 2, they need specifics. When did he turn 2? Is he close to 3? But when I say he's 2 1/2. No more questions. Just the answer they were looking for.
So, in light of this new found knowledge. Here is Liam at 2 and a HALF.

You can bet that the first thing this kid will ask for in the morning is chocolate milk. This kid  l o v e s  his chocolate milk, well, chocolate in general, really. And don't think you can hide it from him, he is part bloodhound and will sniff it out in a second.

You can't leave the house with out "lellow blanky". First of all, he knows it's a green blanket. I'm almost positive he just named it yellow.
"Liam what is this?"
"Lellow blanky."
"What color is it?"
Well, okay then.
Green "Lellow blanky" is now a part of the family.

Planes, trains, and automobiles. If is has a motor, Liam is all over it. Does it have tires? Liam will point them out continuously. Does that car look like ours, he'll let you know. Is there a plane in the sky? We have to stop and watch it. He is all boy.

He knows all his shapes, colors, and is so close to recognizing his number 1-10. We are working on ABC's but for right now, E and B are his favorite letters and just wants to focus on those. We'll get there.

Mickey. Mickey everything! He is all about that mouse. I guess there are worse things, but not many, than that mouses voice. I've even had nightmares because of that voice. Oh, the sacrifices we make for our children.

And when asked what he likes, I got the answer "Pizza." So, there you have it.


Simple Homemade Toothpaste.

Simple Homemade Toothpaste



6 tbsp unrefined coconut oil
6 tsp baking soda
1 tsp stevia (or to your taste)
25 drops essential oil of your choice



1. Mix all ingredients together in medium bowl. Mix together until blended.
 I used my hand mixer to mix it well and make it smooth.
2. Store in a mason jar between uses.
I also use a popcicle stick to apply it on my toothbrush.

-I have been told that xylitol is a great alternative to stevia. I say go for it!
-I share my toothpaste with a toddler so I use Young Living's grapefruit and lemon essential oil. Gotta keep the kid happy, right?


Lavender Day.

One of the many perks about living in Utah, the Young Living Essential Living's lavender fields in Mona, Utah! And this last Saturday was Lavender Day, even better! With the limited time we have left here in Utah, I was worried I would miss my chance to visit but I made it, and I'm glad I get to cross it off of my bucket list.
We were able to pick our own lavender to bring home with us, try lavender lemonade, see some jousting, and accidentally pop about 3 balloons. The pony rides took the show and there was a lot of convincing (and some tears) to leave when our turn was over.
I'll admit, the 100 degree weather was a challenge and convincing two little two year olds that walking in the sun is fun definitely made our trip interesting. But in the end it was a success!


Lense Cleaner Spray.

Having a two year old, smudged glasses just comes with the territory. I've come to terms with the fact that I'll always have a little finger print in my vision and that I'm going to be cleaning my glasses at least 1,000 times a day for a few years. But my glasses have been a lot easier to keep clean with this lense cleaner spray. Four eyes, unite!



3 parts rubbing alcohol
1 part water
1-2 drops fragrant free dish soap
1 drop lemon eo
1  2 oz. amber spray bottle



1. Combine ingredients
2. One spray on each lense
3. Wipe with a soft cotton cloth.


Thieves Tea Recipe.

 Sore throats always make me nervous. Being under the weather and having a two year old is probably one of the worst things to have to deal with when you're a mom. Thieves tea is my go-to when I want to support my immune system. 

Thieves Tea


1 drop Thieves essential oil
3 drops Lemon essential oil
1-2 cups hot water
Honey to taste



1. Simply mix ingredients together and enjoy!

Almost grown up.

It seems like overnight I went from a little babe who wanted to constantly be in my arms to a toddler who only wants to get things done all on his own. He's been so independent this past week, it blows my mind! Bananas must be peeled by him, he wants to squeeze his own toothpaste on his toothbrush, and you better believe he has to carry the keys to unlock/lock the car and house. I still catch myself in shock when he succeeds. He's getting so big! *hold back tears* Things may take a little bit longer to get done but oh boy, is it worth it when he starts clapping for himself and how proud he gets. One proud and partially in shock mama over here.


Banana Lemon Refresher

I consider this my favorite drink to refresh with in the summer. It seems like the hotter it gets, I just can't get hydrated enough. The best part is Liam loves it just as much as I do, which is pretty amazing since all the kid wants is chocolate milk and more chocolate milk. I'll take that as a win!

Banana Lemon Refresher


 1 banana
 1 lemon
 1 cup of water
 1 drop lemon essential oil
 1 cup coconut water
 1 1/2 cups ice



 1. Blend all ingredients and pour over ice.


We're still here.

Oh, hi! It's been a minute since I've been on here. Okay, a long minute. I admit it, pretty much all year. So, here's a quick update on what's going on in the Kabalan household.
Liam is 2! and yes, the terrible two's have hit. From lipstick on the carpet to breaking my lap top screen (again), he's been a test on my patience but I think we'll keep him. He is pretty cute after all.
He is a collector of sunglasses (of all shapes and colors), cars (of all shapes and colors), and has pretty much memorized all shapes and colors. He loves blue and yellow and loves to point them out where ever he sees them. He has recently started to play "puppy" and will get down on all fours and "bark" no matter where we are. He amazes me with his imagination more and more every day.
Kristofer is SO close to being finished with his training before we can finally join him. We are crossing our fingers and praying that we only have a few months left! And it's about time, a year apart is long enough! Until then, I am enjoying every little thing Utah has to offer and really realizing how lucky I am to have been raised in such an amazing and beautiful state and enjoying the time we have left here.